This study looks at how different Generative AI-driven tools affect customer behavioral engagement on e-commerce platforms. In all, 373 surveys survey responses were considered for the study, accounting for a response rate of 67.81%. The research findings show that Ad Campaign Optimization, Chatbots, and Email Marketing Automation have a substantial and positive effect on customer behavioral engagement in E-commerce platforms. By rejecting hypotheses, the study questions traditional assumptions and suggests that Personalization Engines, Predictive Analytics, and Social Media Management may not have a statistically meaningful effect on customer involvement in this e-commerce setting. These findings highlight the significance of giving some AI tools more priority than others, which has far-reaching consequences for companies trying to improve their E-commerce operations. This research adds to what is already known about how Generative AI-driven technologies affect the dynamics of customer interaction. The complexities of long-term user experiences within the dynamic environment of AI-driven e-commerce platforms, as well as the precise elements impacting tool efficacy, might be the subject of future study that would enhance our current knowledge.
Keywords: Ad Campaign Optimization, Conversational AI, Predictive Analytics, Social Media Management, Chatbots, customer behavioral engagement.
اعداد :
د. مفزع القحطاني
Dr.Mofza Algahtany
كلية الاعمال، جامعة الباحة، المملكة العربية السعودية College of Business , Albaha University , Saudi Arabia