الجمعة , مارس 7 2025

Estimation of Aldose Reductase Enzyme Level in Patients of Diabetes Mellitus in Referred Clinic of Kosti Teaching Hospital,Kosti City, White Nile State, Sudan 


Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder caused by either lack of insulin production or insulin resistance. DM classified on the top of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the world, particularly from vascular complications. Aldose reductase a key enzyme in the polyol pathway, catalyzes NADPH -dependent reduction of glucose to sorbitol, obstructing the route for elimination of the harmful free radical species resulting in excessive accumulation of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) in various tissues. 

  Materials and methods: 100 diabetic patients involved, they were categorized into four groups: 25 patients with no complications,25 with diabetic neuropathy, 25 with diabetic nephropathy and 25 with diabetic retinopathy. The levels of aldose reductase enzyme evaluated in blood serum by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Human aldose reductase enzyme ELISA Kit) according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. 

Result: aldose reductase levels were less than 300pg/ml in diabetics with no complications, 300-5000pg/ml in diabetics with nephropathy and neuropathy and more than 5000pg/ml in diabetics with retinopathy. 

Conclusion: The findings showed altering levels of aldose reductase enzyme levels in the diabetic patients ranging from normal in diabetics without complications, relatively high in diabetics with nephropathy and neuropathy and significant rise seen in diabetics with retinopathy.

Keywords: Aldose Reductase, Oxidative Stress, Diabetes Mellitus.

BY :

Kamal EldinA. AAmani B.K. ,
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences university of El Imam Elmahdi, SudanDepartment of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences university of El Imam Elmahdi, Sudan
Hamza E.MSalah E. I
Ministry of health LibyaDepartment of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences University of Managil of Science andTechnology, Sudan
Mohammed O.MussaTarig B.A
5Department of Laboratories,Almaramea Medical Center,Kosti,Sudan6Department of Pathology,Faculty of Medicine,University of Bisha,KSA
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