الإثنين , مارس 10 2025

Fuzzy Logic: A Deeper Dive into Fuzzy Functions


In 1965, the idea of a “fuzzy set” was created. Since then, this key set has been used by scholars across numerous fields. To model human participation in human-based intelligence to achieve modernity in many fields, such as data analysis, data mining, image coding and explaining, and intelligence systems, fuzzy set has proven to be quite promising and effective. Because of its wide applicability and fruitful applications, fuzzy set theory is now a recognized area of study in both pure and practical branches of mathematics and statistics. Fuzzy sets have been a central area of study for quite some time, and yet they continue to pique the interest of scholars who hope to find answers to pressing problems by challenging fundamental assumptions. Through collaboration, the members of a fuzzy set can efficiently address a wide variety of physical world problems that may be outside the purview of traditional methods. This suggests that the fuzzy set may be adaptable enough to deal with a wide variety of issues, including, but not limited to, those involving decision making, intelligent data analysis, information processing, pattern recognition, and optimization.

The purpose of this Special Issue is to go more deeply into the recent developments in fuzzy set theory and the broadening of fuzzy set theory to include applications in other areas of mathematics and engineering, such as group theory, ring theory, statistics, topological spaces, graph theory, decision making, and other fields of applied science.

Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy functions, Fuzzy sets, membership, trends.

Prepared by:

Om alkhear salem bleblou

Department of Mathmatics

Faculty of science , University of zawia Ajelat –Libya

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