السبت , مارس 8 2025

Greed and Jealousy in Hamlet and The Story of Cain and Abel


Greed, jealousy, and revenge are several psychological cases which have been analyzed from various literary approaches. The current paper aims to do a psychological investigation by comparing such themes as greed, jealousy, and revenge, which all result in the common theme of fratricide in the biblical story of Abel and Cain and the story of  Claudius and Hamlet’s father. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) focused on the most complex dilemmas in his works, particularly Hamlet. He portrayed Claudius’s character as evil to communicate a spiritual message to his audiences, signifying that jealousy and greed are malicious psychological problems and will ultimately result in the worst. It can also be seen that the story of Cain and Abel is a remarkable example of how greed leads to insidious motives. Stories of  Claudius and Hamlet’s father and Cain and Abel can be compared from several fields of knowledge, such as religion, art, social sciences, philosophy, history, and psychology. The other aspect that this paper will highlight is the effects that jealousy, greed, and hatred will leave on the human spirit.

Key Terms: Hamlet, Claudius, Cain and Abel, Shakespeare, Greed, Jealousy.

BY :

Asst. Lect. Hussein Mohammed Abdul Ridha Al-Gburi

Faculty of Pharmacy,

 Islamic University, Najaf, Iraq

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