الإثنين , مارس 10 2025

Improving the Performance of Smart Electricity Distribution Networks Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques


In light of developments, modernization, and the trend towards globalization and achieving sustainability in all sectors, and given the importance that energy represents as a story in our lives, as it is the mainstay of life, that sector, and field needed to be one of the first fields that tend to use modern technology and artificial intelligence techniques in developing and improving performance. Smart distribution networks. This study aims to analyze and evaluate the impact of using artificial intelligence techniques in general and neural network techniques in particular on improving and developing the performance of smart distribution networks by achieving network stability, reducing costs, reducing losses, managing resources well, predicting current and future energy requirements, as well as predicting faults, As well as overcoming the challenges and obstacles facing the use of artificial intelligence techniques to improve the performance of smart distribution networks through a methodology based on a review of the most important studies that dealt with Subject, extracting results from these studies, analyzing them statistically and technically, then evaluating them, drawing conclusions, and presenting recommendations and findings. The results indicated 11 important results, including that artificial intelligence techniques, especially neural networks, are effective tools for developing the performance of smart energy distribution networks, as they contribute to achieving sustainable development, improving performance, and enhancing Data security and network stability. Unlike traditional networks, it also achieves stability for networks and effectively integrates renewable energy sources. More technologies, such as blockchain technologies, contribute to improving and developing the performance of smart networks.

 Keywords (smart distribution networks, artificial intelligence techniques, artificial neural networks, blockchain, resource management, performance improvement, obstacles and challenges)

BY :

Ahmed.m. Khirala Mohamed
Electrical Engineering Department Higher Institute of Science and Technology – Tobruk – Libya
Osama Saad R Saad
Electrical Engineering Department Higher Institute of Science and Technology – Tobruk – Libya

Abdelsalm M.A Ehoedy
Electrical Engineering Department Higher Institute of Science and Technology – Tobruk – Libya

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