الإثنين , مارس 10 2025

Influence of temperature on the electrical properties of polycrystalline solar module


Photovoltaic is one of many commonly used to generate   power in renewable field in the world.  The solar cells performance affected when the temperature getting higher than Standard Test Conditions (STC, 25oC, AM1.5, 1000w/m2.).  Solar radiation, ambient temperature [5,6,8], the deposited dust [8] , and shading have an important role effects increase the surface temperature of the solar panels, the solar panel back temperature may reaches 70oC.  Temperature decreases power generated by the solar cells by decreasing Open-circuit voltage (Voc) nevertheless, the short circuit current (Isc) increases. The PV cells suffer efficiency drop as their operating temperature increases due to changing on I, and Voc which caused by corresponding of changing of energy band gap [1][3][4][5][13].  The objective of this simulation is to identify the temperature effect on the solar PV power generation.  In this paper used PVsyst to simulate a polycrystalline solar module (285W,72 cells). Characteristic parameters of selected photovoltaic modules, which are, Short-circuit current (Isc), Open-circuit voltage (Voc) and Maximum power (Pmax). These parameters are determined by varying the module’s temperature, while irradiation is at STC.

Keyword: PV; STC; PVsyst; Short-circuit current; Open-circuit voltage; Temperature; bandgap.

BY :

A.E.Abubaker *1,A.E.Elmujahid2,Naser Almsellati3

1Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Tripoli University Libya.

2Department of Physics, Faculty of Education, Qaser Bin Ghasher, Tripoli University Libya.

3Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Science Mesllata, Elmergib University Libya.

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