الخميس , أكتوبر 3 2024

Isolation and identification of Methicillin Resistance Staphylococcus aureus from abscess, burns, and surgical wounds of the frequenter patients at Sebha Medical Center and AL-Gourda Health Center in Sebha, Libya


Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the major causes of a variety of infections in hospitals and the community. Their spread poses a serious public health problem worldwide. Nevertheless, very little molecular typing data on MRSA strains is currently available in Libya. In this study, 236 specimens were sampled from abscesses, burns, and surgical wounds from patients in Sebha Medical Center and AL-Gourda Health Center between April and July 2024. From all of these specimens, Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from samples by culturing on nutrient agar, and mannitol salt agar and identified by morphological characteristics on selective media and biochemical characterization. Only 63 isolates (45.98 %) showed cultural and biochemical factors that indicate that they are S. aureus. The incidence rate of S. aureus among a male and female group of patients was 48 (76.19%) and 15 (23.81%) respectively. The prevalence of S. aureus among abscess, burns, and surgical wound specimen’s patients were 23 (67.6%), 9 (26.5%), and 2 (5.6%) respectively. In addition, the susceptibility of these isolates to oxacillin and cefoxitin antibiotics was studied, and the results revealed that 34 

(53.96 %) of S. aureus isolates demonstrated high resistance to oxacillin and cefoxitin. The results reveal a possibility of a potential public health threat of MRSA.

Keywords: S. aureus; MRSA; coagulase; cefoxitin; oxacillin


Mohamed. F. M. Elbreki

Department of Medical Laboratories, Faculty of Medical Technology,

Wadi Al Shati University, Libya

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