الجمعة , مارس 7 2025

The impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Judiciary Sector in UAE


The concept of corporate socially responsible deeply emphasis the importance or responsibilities of organisations towards their society and environment. The below study has been developed to discuss the CSR overall and its introduction in UAE and the steps taken by the government in general for the overall success. The study examines how the CSR objectives have been designed by the government and the benefit the organisations will have if effective CSR is being practiced. The positive aspect has been highlighted in the overall study

Furthermore, a survey was designed and was conducted in one of the judicial departments of the country. A total of 10 associates on a random basis was chosen and their feedback was taken and a proposed study was being made.

Finally, the proposed hypothesis was examined and the overall stud suggest that corporate social responsible has a better and influence on the country and helps many firms to create better image towards the society and its customers. Therefore, Corporate Social Responsibility has brought many changes from the perspective of firms, society and the environment overall.

BY : Ayman Mustafa Alarmoti

Associate Professor of business administration,

AL Khwarizmi International College,Al Ain, United Arab Emirates

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