السبت , مارس 8 2025

Challenges to the Operationalization of the Distance Learning Platforms (Zoom, Darsak, Microsoft Teams, Skype) Used in the Period of COVID 19


The Coronavirus pandemic made all schools in the world use virtual education and its various tools. Jordan was one of the countries that responded rapidly to implement this type of education as an alternative and complementary at the same time to traditional education. This study seeks to reveal the perceptions of teachers in Bani Kenana District schools regarding the challenges they face when using the electronic platforms (Zoom, Darsak, Microsoft Teams, Skype). The data was collected by distributing an electronic questionnaire to (922) teachers. The findings of the study indicated that there are considerable problems that prevent teachers from employing virtual platforms in Jordanian schools.

Keywords – Challenges, Learning Platforms, Distance Learning, Coronavirus Pandemic.

: Make by

Dr. Hammam Samir Hmadneh

Ministry of Education


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