الثلاثاء , أكتوبر 22 2024

The Factors That Prevent Communities’ Adaption to Hygiene and Sanitation in El-Abassiya Host Communities South Kordofan State- Sudan (2020)


Despite several interventions over the years, sanitation coverage remains low; statistics on sanitation have proven that very few of these beneficiaries commence the construction of latrines. The question that, then, needs to be asked is why there is low sanitation coverage even when beneficiaries are provided with all the necessary inputs and materials. In recent years, program implementers have provided households and communities with materials for the construction of latrines but District statistics on sanitation have proven that very few of these beneficiaries commence the construction of latrines, let alone complete construction in the ward.
This study aimed to determine factors that prevent communities’ adaption to hygiene and sanitation through the Ministry of Health’s extension campaigns and Non-governmental organization programs in South Kordofan State- El-Abassiya Host Communities. A descriptive study was conducted and covered 375 study participants (Quantitative Data) and findings were analyzed using SPSS. Findings highlighted Behavior Change Factors such as (42.1%) disposal of solid waste on the nearest road. (51.8%) had participated in hygiene promotion sessions mainly in 2020, (27.2%) mentioned that the Ministry of Health was the main facilitator of the session, and (37.1%) attended more than three sessions. (98.4%) of participants wash their hands with soap.

All of the participants were using hand pumps as the main source of drinking water. Also, Socio-Cultural Factors were shown as (91.7%) treated their drinking water, and (8.5%) used safe water storage containers. The findings also mentioned Environmental Factors as (54.9%) didn’t have Latrines (and 30.2%) of those who had latrines reported a duration of construction of more than five years. In socio-economic factors (67.7%). reported having livestock in the house -, (51.5%) reported positive changes following public health promotion. The qualitative data source was interviews with five NGOs working in WASH activities and their  Sustainability factors, approximately most of the host community ensured the importance of the physical gradual termination of the NGO’s program by many approaches like our participatory approach links to exit technical service and insinuation builds private sectors capacities, either during or after the project, the formed committee was responsible for mobilizing and supporting the involved community in all projects, and also support all activities that achieved behavior change within the community and Conclusion and recommendations, in organizational factors, The 5 organizations agreed that the hygiene practices did not improve due to insufficient supply of water for household use, Extend the duration of the project more than one year to achieve sustainability issues and to retain the concept of desire behavior change. WASH Project implementers to hold health awareness programs aimed at changing the behavior of the community, especially on sanitation and hygiene programs. WASH Project implementers to provide adequate resources that are enough to benefit more community members to increase coverage.

Abadalla. I. Abadalla1, Atif. B. Saad2, Maryam. H.M. Ahmed3., Manal. A. Manzul4

1. Associate professor, Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, University of Gezira, Sudan.

2. Assistant professor, Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, University of Gezira, Sudan.

3– Assistant professor, Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, University of Gezira, Sudan.

4. Ministry of Health, Environmental Health Management, Khartoum, Sudan

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