الثلاثاء , يناير 21 2025

Structure and genesis of mitochondrial and chloroplast, DNA replication , transcription and translation of organelle genome

Abstract :
Presence of precise organelle DNA in mitochondria and chloroplasts became recognized over 3 years ago, proliferation of chloroplast DNA was first validated by the means of Chun et al, illustration of nuclear manipulation of the human mitochondrial genome chloroplast gene transcription managed transcription of cpDNA genes via the means of various factors from the nuclear basis, the number one elements affecting the transcription of cpDNA genes are NEP polymerase and non-intermediate subunits of PEP polymerase, where we explain the mechanism transporting barrel proteins from the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) through the TOM complex, and associated with chaperones TIM small cells within the IMS side and inserted into the OMM via sorting means and meeting equipment (SAM), we additionally annotate the chloroplast genome genes for some proteins required for the transcription and translation of encoded genes and, at the extreme, genes for photosynthesis, the locus of these repeats determines the site of unpaired reproduction the short (SSC) and extended unpaired reproductive site (LSC) in the chloroplast genome, leuco = white; plast = living) are colorless plastids that are identified in embryonic and germ cells.
Keywords: Chloroplast Genome, DNA Replication, Mitochondrial, Geesis.

اعداد :

Khalid Rajab Mukhtar
Tragin Teaching Hospital- Department of Medical Laboratory

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