الثلاثاء , أكتوبر 22 2024

The effect of obesity on the level of blood sugar type II in males and its effect on physiological and biochemical variables

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of blood sugar level, cumulative sugar on for diabetic patients of Non- Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus and study the change of the physiological and biochemical parameter as (BMI,CBC,TG,LDL,LHL, protein total, Albumin contact) for the patients. The study was conducted on a group of patients from El-Gubba city from within El-Mina General Hospital, where samples were collected, analyzes and tests were performed on patients, the study included 180 for males from type 2 with ages ranging from 30 to 50 years and classification depended to the weight for three group (G1) include 60 patients the range weight from60 to 75 kilogram and (G2) include 60 patients the weight 75-90 kilogram . and the( G3) include 90 to +100 kilogram and were also taken from 20 healthy people they had the same age and weight around 60 kilogram and this group was free from diabetes or other diseases, so it was considered a control group. The results of the study showed that there was no significant effect for the period of infection in patients, the result showed that asignificant differences (P≤0.05) in BMI between the three groups G1,G2,G3 when comparing with the control group , when comparing G1 with the control group we founded there was no significant differernt in the BMI. As the results showed a significant differences at (P≤0.05 ) between the G1,G2,G3 with control groupsit was found that there were significant differences for the blood groups (WBC/PLT/HB) The results showed a significant increase (P<0.05) in both the FBS,HbA1c level in diabetic patients, comparison with the control group, when comparison the G3 had the heist concentration than G1,G2 comparison with the control group .The results shown indicate a significant increase (P≤0.01) in the rate of concentration (LDL) and (HDL) in G2and G3 more than G1 ,while the first group, had similar result to the control group, The results shown indicate a significant increase(p≤0.05) When comparing the three weight groups, we find that the concentration of TG , increases as the weight of the patients increases , The results shown indicate a significant increase(p≤0.05) in Total protein, Albumin concentration for G2,G3 than G1 when compared the G1with the control group we founded no significant differences.
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, obesity, physiological, biochemical parameter.

اعداد :

Saada S.Abdulgadar Ali

Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences , Derna University, / El-Gubba , Libya.

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