الثلاثاء , أكتوبر 22 2024

The Relationship Between Children’s Social/Psychological Issues and Parental Separation. The effects of family strife and parental representations


In Libya, there is no constitutional protection for marriages or a healthy environment or positive care for children. Unfortunately, poverty, lack of family awareness, and the rush to marriage, such as what happened when they decided to grant marriage grants in the year 2022 within a short period of time, which led a large number of young people to marry in the hope of making money, and other reasons of this nature, led to an increase in the challenges of marriage and showed an increase in marriage. Divorce rates. The purpose of this paper is to find out the consequences that children from broken families face in Libya, especially the city of Al-Bayda, and to suggest treatments to overcome these fears among children, especially the psychological situation. Conclusions are made on the basis of a narrative literature review to highlight consequences and solutions. Increasing divorce rates have also become common in Libya, which has led to poor development of children and their entry into complex psychological disorders, which has added negative factors to children’s personalities. The results are worse if domestic violence and ongoing conflicts occur between parents. These children suffer from psychological disorders that continue throughout their lives. Marriage challenges have affected the dropout rate across the world including Libya and have led to a lower literacy rate for the new generation. Moreover, in the event of parental separation, children have additional freedom to indulge in social networking sites, and this can lead to smoking at an early age, or lead to the emergence of undesirable personalities in their personalities, which later leads to acts of deviance, crime, or Joining terrorist groups. In order to overcome these vulnerabilities that arise in children due to lack of parental attention due to separation, some remedial strategies like adult supervision, counseling sessions, strong policies, financial assistance, government support and education etc. have been suggested in a later part of this research.

Keywords: Libya, psychological, children, family

salma Hwudi .MOHAMMED , Abdulsalam Saleh,

Department of Psychology, College of Arts

Omar AL Mukhtar University, AL Beida

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